Owen joined in, and had his own creation called "Squiggly Blob". It reminded me of pictures I used to draw when I was a kid with no rhyme or reason, but just squiggles and color.
I tried to get super artistic (Which I so am NOT) and draw a picture of Sarah taken from a picture of Sarah. I discovered that it is pretty hard to copy a vividly colored picture with pastel chalks.
Here's the picture I started with
And here was my end result.
Not bad for a first try, but clearly I have a ways to go! Sarah ended up drawing a few different things.
That's a chicken. One of Sarah's favorites named Beauty.
Since we are talking about chickens... they were out free ranging and came by to see what is going on. We love our chickens.
This is Sammy, our Black Ancona. She lays pretty white eggs.
This is Curie, our Barred Rock. Her eggs are tan.
This is Puffy and Fluffy, our Easter Eggers (They lay green eggs) with Sammy.
And this is Owen's final "Squiggly Blob."
All this before noon! I wonder what else we will do today!
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