Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Rain Shadows

I saw this post on Pinterest and thought, my kids will never sit still long enough for that! But, last night, we were waiting for the Ice Cream Man (Yes! We have one that comes around the neighborhood now, just like when I was a kid!), it started to sprinkle. So somehow, I convinced the kids to lay in the driveway and NOT MOVE!
 Lay down, lay down!

 More drops start to fall...
 And more and more.... 
("This tickles!" "My back is getting wet!" "It smells dirty down here!")

Okay, you can get up now!

And it was really just a small shower. The rain let up and the Ice Cream man came around. The perfect end to a summer day! I'll get a picture of the truck the next time he comes around :)

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