Sunday, June 2, 2013

Underwater cleanup with Girl Scouts

This morning, Sarah and I joined the Suncoast Reef Rovers Diving Club along with the rest of her Girl Scout troop to help with an underwater cleanup at the Venice Pier. It is popular for fishing, and the divers found a lot of fishing debris down under the water!
 Here are the girls on the pier
 A Snowy Egret hanging out, too

 A nice diver showing the girls her gear. They were surprised at how heavy it was!
 Their job was to watch the divers below. 
When they surfaced, they would have bags of junk to send up. 
 And when it came to the surface, they picked out all of the living creatures and sent them back to the water.  They saw lots of crabs, fish, shrimp, and even a seahorse.

 When the divers signaled, they would send a rope down with a hook on it. The diver would connect the rope to their bag, and then the girls would pull it up. 
 In this pile, there were some bright red shrimp.
This helps keep our Florida beaches Beautiful!

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