Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Rainbow Rice Krispie Treats

Today we were supposed to go to the beach with friends, but it was still raining and gloomy outside, so we took a raincheck. Sarah and I started making Rice Krispie treats with a rainbow twist like I saw here  but when the rain stopped, she went for a bike ride with Pete while Owen and I finished up. I didn't use nearly as much food coloring as the example, but they still turned out cute.
We had to mix one color at a time, then layer it in the pan.

My other little helper. 

In the afternoon, we took advantage of AMF's Kids Bowl Free and Summer Pass program and bowled a couple games. Like it says, kids bowl free all summer and for $35, you can buy a summer pass for up to 4 adults to bowl free with them. Shoe rental is not included, but since we have our own bowling shoes, it's a great way to spend a couple hours inside, especially when it is super hot or raining outside.  It will be interesting to see how our scores change through the summer.

Cross your fingers for sunny skies soon!

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