Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Sun Came Out

And finally, on day 13 of summer vacation, the sun was finally out. And, we had already planned to be on the beach, so that was a super bonus. The whole family volunteered to help with the PanAm Masters Open Water Championship swim on Siesta Key. This is the final event in a 10 day swimming competition, and there were people there from all over the world.

Siesta Key Beach was rated #1 beach, so it's very hard to see it deserted. That is, unless get there at 5:30 in the morning.

This is what it looked like a couple short hours later. Packed with People. Pete and I are on the right in the yellow.

 There weren't really many waves (Which was great for the swimmers!) so the Boogy board was more of just a floaty toy. Sarah had plenty of fun anyway.
 Pete had a late morning sightseeing tour, so he passed right by us and we waved at him from the beach as he drove by.

Now this is what summer vacation is about!

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